MacKinven reveals the true mastery of his craft in these canvases. In Et Sick In Infinitum [sic] the form of MacKinven’s infinite staircase becomes almost completely collapsed; its jagged mass a clunky fossilised relic of rich planar hues and tabular geometric shapes, wittily exposing the image’s aspirational 3D pretence. MacKinven’s painting is a conceptualist’s game: mapping out impossible space on a flat picture plane, depth alluded to by tone, veils of drips, and shadowy smudges, striving for concrete form within repressive outlines and their precarious cubic blueprint. Set against a background of earthy browns and pale sky-ish blue, expansive landscape is suggested only to be dashed, its promising horizon compressed between a headline metered in alphabet and stencil-like graphics below, subverting the disorientating spectacle with oblate assurance.