ITEMS LOCATED: Aluminum, wood, salt, fake pearls, sand, thermometer, steel, photograph and gold
REMARKS: This next chance creation is named Pearl River, found at Level 4. It somehow retained its innocence, like a souvenir. I like pale hues. It’s very feminine. It says I am here for lack of a better idea;
too elusive to be a movement but a moment, definitely. A moment can give meaning to a life, to a lie. We see her take back the ownership of her body image, hard work, determination and a killer body. You can
only sabotage your feminist ethics for so long. Well, Hello officer, how can I help you today? You’re looking for genuine love. Sorry no I haven’t seen any lately. But do come back at some other time, you might get lucky. When the world as you know it is over and you happened to be one of the sole survivors isn’t it so nice to talk shit about somebody else…